Rotaract District Organization 3190

Rotaract district 3190 - community services


Canopy of Hope

An initiative to Shelter the unsheltered

Project Report

What is this all about ?

Have you ever wondered how parents toiling at construction sites manage to care for their infant children? Sadly, they do not have a safe place to leave the children at home and end up carrying them to work. While the parents toil with the brick & mortar, the infant is often found sleeping under a tree near the construction site. Needless to say ,the child is vulnerable to the vagaries of the weather, stray dogs and insects.

What's the solution?

Presenting - Canopy of Hope!

A Canopy consists of a baby cradle which has a special netted layer of protection. This keeps away mosquitoes, keeping the baby safe from infections. The cradle is made from a cushion material with a small pillow to keep the baby comfortable at all times.

How does it work?

This is a project spanning all corners of Rotaract District 3190. Clubs from all around, collect Canopies from the district and distribute it to the needy in their locality for free. The beneficiaries include babies of construction workers, homeless people and people living in slums.

Our proud sponsors

Rotary Shantiniketan

Ms. Naga Nanda Kumari

Rotary Bangalore Sahakarnagar

Rotary Sadashivnagar

Rotary Bangalore East

Inner Wheel- Sadashivnagar

Rotaract Bangalore East

Rtr. Tarun Kumar

Rotary Bangalore Vidyaranyapura

Rtr. Kiran S

Rotary Bangalore Platinum City

Rtr. Arun Teja

Rotary Bangalore Central

Rtn/Rtr. Akshatha S

Rotary South Samarpane

Rtr. Anurag Patwary

Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar

Individual donations

Our partner clubs

Project Phases


That’s a lot of canopies


And a lot of clubs

Amount of fulfilment

Our Gallery